Meet our Peace Partners Standing 4 & with US

Building Peace with

Guidance & Support

Wife, mother, entrepreneur, consultant and Co-Founder of The Waterbearers.

Mother, entrepreneur, consultant and Co-Founder of The Waterbearers.

Erin Toppenberg

Peace begins with….Me, as We are all Pathways to Peace.

Peacebuilder, 3x Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Visionary, Author of The Business Plan for Peace

Peacebuilder, 3x Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Visionary, Author of The Business Plan for Peace & The Mighty Heart in Action.

Dr. Scilla Elworthy

Peace begins with…”If you want peace, don’t talk with your friends, talk to your enemies.” ~ Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Founding CEO of Heart Ambassadors and HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program & Co-Director of HeartMath Healthcare

Founding CEO of Heart Ambassadors and HeartMath’s HeartMastery Program & Co-Director of HeartMath Healthcare

Sheva Carr

Peace begins with….

Wife, mother, entrepreneur, consultant and Co-Founder of Grades of Green

Wife, mother, entrepreneur, consultant and Co-Founder of Grades of Green

Shaya Kirkpatrick

Peace begins with…creating a world that supports everyone.

Principal of Pennekamp Elementary, Manhattan Beach Unified School District

Principal of Pennekamp Elementary, Manhattan Beach Unified School District

Dr. Karina Gerger

Peace begins with you…a sparkle in your eye with a bright smile lets others see the kindness that exists in our world. It is a simple gesture that makes a true impact on others.    


Founder of Positivity, writer, TED speaker

Founder of Positivity, writer, TED speaker

Court Crandall

Peace begins with…the simple decision to assume the best rather that the worst in each other.

Singer, Songwriter, & Musician

Singer, Songwriter, & Musician

Katherine Terrien

Peace begins with…us viewing ourselves as a collective species where we take care of each other, instead of a separative one where we only take care of ourselves.

Environmentalist, Director of Impact and Sustainability, human-I-T

Environmentalist, Director of Impact and Sustainability, human-I-T

Allie Bussjaeger

Peace begins with…humility and patience. With a deep connection to unity, we can continue to practice peace.

Wife, mother, and promoter of peace. Committed to elevating conversations with generosity and compassion.

Mother, and promoter of peace. Committed to elevating conversations with generosity and compassion.

Diane Walsh

Peace begins with...the development of an inner calm, a compassionate mindset and the willingness to understand. 

Mother, Entrepreneur, and Founder/CEO of a CBD company created for Women by Women.

Mother, Entrepreneur, and Founder/CEO of a CBD company created for Women by Women.

Stacy Verbiest

Peace begins…with a smile. A smile expresses pleasure, sociability, happiness, joy and amusement. It is a way of telling others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.

Mother, Former Manhattan Beach Cultural Arts Commissioner & Community Activist

Mother, Former Manhattan Beach Cultural Arts Commissioner & Community Activist

Nancy Dunn

Peace begins with…a commitment to heal one’s own inner wounds. When we can do the work associated with becoming awake to all the subtle acts of violence we unconsciously perpetrate on ourselves and others, we can find our way back home. Peace is not just the absence of war, it’s an active state of being. a warrior of the heart!

Mother, Mareketing & Media Consultant

Mother, Mareketing & Media Consultant

Marisusan Trout

Peace begins with… “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

Peace promotes true progress.....conflict is expected, yet it's how we all work through our conflicts....whether with ourselves, others or our countries....being in the state of LOVE, open communication and respecting other perspectives will provide a positive outcome....if we apply the patience needed to work together to get there.

Licensed Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist & Yoga Instructor

Licensed Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist & Yoga Instructor

Jennifer Haddad

Peace beings with…embracing your Inner Light, for the more you access it from within, the more connected and whole you will become.

Executive Partner for Social Impact

Executive Partner for Social Impact

Kendra Banks

Peace begins within oneself. Find it, share it with another, and watch it reach beyond all physical limits.